Monday, February 4, 2008


By now you all know that the Giants have beaten the Patriots, 17-14 in what might be the greatest sports upset of all time! Or maybe you've just crawled out from under your rock. was without a doubt the best Super Bowl ever. Especially when you're a Giant's fan! You've read all of the articles on ESPN or Fox Sports. I'm not here to analyze the game or give a play by play.

What I'm here to talk about is something you may not know -- that yesterday was a momentous occasion for the Nittany Nation as the Giants went on to fulfill their destiny. How? What? You see, Since 1999 there has been a bitterness festering in me (and many others as I've learned reading the recent PSU blogs) every time I see Tom Brady. Why you ask?

Flash back -- 1999. PSU was the Sports Illustrated preseason #1 that year (read: kiss of death). Yes, we had already begun our downward spiral with a loss to Minnesota thanks to a last minute field goal. We had already blown any chance of going to the National Championship (in New Orleans!), but then scUM rolled into Happy Valley. We could have turned it around and still finished respectably but instead, on November 13th things got worse. PSU was up most of the game and then Brady engineered an 8 minute or so drive which ended in scUM hitting a game winning TD and we lost 31-27. Since that day I've hated Tom Brady and the more arrogant he's gotten over the years, the more I can't stand him.

So for that game winning TD drive, in 1999 Tom, we give you the 2008 Superbowl and Jay Alford, the Giants rookie out of.....Penn State:

Take a seat and an 18-1 record, Tom!

Congratulations Giants! Thanks for giving us a great Superbowl and ending the "perfect" season for the "best" Coach (ok, more like the most obnoxious and rude coach), and the "best" QB ever.

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