Sunday, January 27, 2008

Scientology Will Save the World!

By now most of you have either seen or heard of Tom Cruise's psycho rant about Scientology. What is Scientology, you ask? Well if you want to learn more, you have a few options.

One, you can listen to Tom himself talk about Scientology:

Two, you can watch and learn about the history of Scientology from South Park:

But please don't forget the second part, complete with John Travolta joining Tom Cruise in the closet.... this is the best part!

Third, you can always go to my favorite on line source for information: Wikipedia:

Have some fun while you're at it and answer the questions that new Scientology recruits are asked when being "E-Metered" to see if they can join the cult, courtesy of Radar Magazine. Feel free to post your answers in the comments!

And when you get tired of all this Scientology garbage, check out Mr. Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O'Connell, doing a freakishly dead-on impression of Mr. Scientology himself. He should get an Oscar for this performance. Enjoy! I'm sure Crazy Cruise and the Scientology top dogs are looking for ways to suppress Jerry at this very moment.


Believe it or not, Joe Paterno is even in on the action!

From The Nittany Line


Unknown said...

Agggghhh, the Tom Cruise youtube doesn't work. "They" are gonna getcha, Jen!

Jen said...

I've relinked it to the "official" video. It should work now!