Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Support our Soldiers!

Driving home from work last night I tuned into NJ 101.5, fully prepared to be irritated by Craig Carton's replacement, Casey what's his name. What a pleasant surprise it was when I realized that Casey wasn't being his normal "let me pretend to be a jerk" personality, but being himself and talking about how we should all be doing more to support our troops overseas, especially during this holiday season.

The Jersey Guys were talking about Soldiers Angels - an organization dedicated to taking care of our soldiers around the world. If you go to the website: http://www.soldiersangels.org/ you'll be able to make donations, purchase gifts, get on "teams" that rally for special causes for soldiers and specifically for the holiday season, donate towards getting gift bags to every soldier serving in Iraq and Afghanistan (see: http://soldiersangels.org/index.php?page=holidays-for-heroes for the holiday gift bag page). It seems like a really great organization. Check it out!

I got home last night and told Kev this was something we had to do, so I went on line and signed up to adopt a soldier. Today we got his name and info. His name is Tim, a Staff Sergeant from Chicago, stationed (I believe) in Afghanistan (based on his APO box info). I'm going to be putting together monthly packages for him. If any of you are interested in adding something to any of the packages just let me know! I'm just happy to be able to help someone out who's putting his life on the line for all of us!

Other updates:
Me: my leg is coming along. Just like the doc said, the pain went away, as did the stiffness. I'm still experiencing the same pain I had and that is normal for the first few weeks. Started working out again.

JoePA: Tonight he's getting inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. He should have gone in last year, but he was recovering from being tackled on the side lines. Additionally, it was announced yesterday that a couple (Patrick and Candace Malloy, of Key Largo, Fla and friends of Joe's) have donated $5 mil to the University for a Football Coaches Endowment. Basically Joe or his replacement will be able to use that money for almost anything from player medical expenses to covering recruiting costs, excluding salary. Yet another example of how Joe being Joe has helped this program.

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